Camille Alexa
Bewildering Stories biography
to Bewildering Stories bibliography

Camille Alexa has become so used to writing short bios about herself in the third person, she thinks she shall do so again for Bewildering Stories.
Camille currently lives in Portland, Oregon with two dogs and a man. Sometimes with a random cat or some, though not at the time of this writing. She thinks of them all as slightly irresponsible — but lovable — roommates who tend to shed too much.
Camille has short fiction appearing in several anthologies: Ruins (Hadley Rille Books), Sporty Spec: Games of the Fantastic (Raven Electrick Ink), Black Box (Brimstone Press), and the Machine of Death anthology. Her short fiction and poetry is scheduled to appear in other illustrious publications, including, Star*Line, and now Bewildering Stories. She also writes for the Green Man Review.
Camille can often be found at the Littlebird Blue blog, where she is usually happy to respond to genteel comments and engage in polite discussion of reading, writing, genre, and various miscellany.
Copyright © 2007 by Camille Alexa