Nancy Diamante Bonazzoli
Bewildering Stories biography
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Nancy Diamante Bonazzoli, D.Min., is an Oregon poet, writer, and Zen Buddhist Minister. She earned an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the Fielding Institute and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Mathew Fox’s University of Creation Spirituality.
Her work has been published in various journals, as well as in the anthology Sacred Voices: Essential Women’s Wisdom through the Ages by Mary Ford-Grabowsky, and she is a past winner of the William G. Doody Memorial Prize for Poetry.
Nancy’s work appears in many issues of Bewildering Stories and received a Mariner Award in 2019. Additionally, her work has been published in various journals, most recently including January Review; Euonia Review; Blue Moon Literature and Art; The Stray Branch; Down in the Dirt; and River Poets Journal's Seasonal and 2019 Special Editions.
Nancy’s poetry collection Absolution was published in October 2019 by Luminare Publishing.
Copyright © 2019 by Nancy Diamante Bonazzoli