Lincoln Crisler
Bewildering Stories biography
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Following high school, Lincoln enlisted in the United States Army and is still serving today as a communications specialist. His work has taken him to such exotic locales as South Korea, Fort Hood, Texas, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He is a veteran of both Operation Iraqi Freedom (2004-05) and Operation Enduring Freedom (2006-07). He is currently stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas.
After a five-year hiatus, Lincoln began writing new stories and seeking publication. Since July 2006 his fiction has appeared in Twisted Dreams Magazine and on The Horror Library, The Lightning Journal and The World of Myth. He is a member of the International Order of Horror Professionals and has contributed to their newsletter, the Bloodied Quill. His editorial debut, “Our Shadows Speak,” is available through the Lulu Press website. Lincoln is a Contributing Writer at the Horror Library, including the Horror Library Blog-O-Rama, and he and A. J. Brown are the new Managing Editors of the Lightning Journal.
Lincoln is married to what might very well be an angel in disguise and has two wonderful daughters who will probably stick his ass in a nursing home when he gets old and starts shitting himself. Visit his MySpace and website and contact him at
Copyright © 2007 by Lincoln Crisler