Fahim Farook
Bewildering Stories biography

I am an IT professional (read ‘geek’ :p) from sunny Sri Lanka. I’ve been in IT for over fifteen years but have wanted to write for much much longer. While I have written a lot of non-fiction in the form of regular columns for a weekly newspaper and several magazines, I didn’t get around to trying my hand at my first love — fiction — till a couple of years ago. My first novel, Honest, the Martian Ate Your Dog is available as a free download from Lulu. “The Wyrm’s Lair” is my first attempt at short stories.
I enjoy humorous science fiction and fantasy a lot and count Terry Pratchett, Tom Holt and Simon Haynes amongst some of my favourite authors.
Solipsistic Meanderings
Honest, the Martian Ate Your Dog
Copyright © 2007 by Fahim Farook