Lloyd Hudson Frye
Bewildering Stories biography
to Bewildering Stories bibliography

Born in California in 1947. He earned a BS degree in Business Administration from CSUC in 1975. He spent 28 years working in electronics before being NAFTAed in the back in 2003, at the age of 55. Bitterness and boredom were the engines for joining Zoetrope writer’s workshop February 2006. He can be Googled under Lloyd Hudson Frye as well as Lloyd Frye.
Sites where work has been posted:
fictionpage.com digitalpulp.com palibra.com blog.myspace.com/lloydhudsonfrye thewhole9.com the frap.com writernia.com yournewsarticles.com freefiction.org thefatbastardonline.com writerscafe.org urbis.com tnaobb.blogspot.com writing.com storywrite.com ihatethis.org anthrofiction.com squawker.com |
E-Published in:
dyingwriters.com writers-voice.com skivemagazine.com various op/ed pieces in associatedcontent.com mockfrog/westnet.com.au writesideup.com localwriter.com the vagrantquarterly.com eastsidesun.com the Amistad-Howard University aforementionedproductions.com goclickthis.com thuglit.com overduekarma.com farmhousemagazine.com common-line.com fictionalpublications.com astonishingadventuresmagazine.com typeabpositive.com |
Published in print: Eastside Sun
short humorous bio
He was always a little strange, kinda mean and tender-hearted at the same time. Although an artist by nature, he ended up with a degree in accounting he never used and worked in electronics as a shipment expeditor and buyer. After being laid off at 55 during the NAFTA frenzy, he’s spent the last four years unsuccessfully interviewing for work and writing short stories and books. His work can be read by Googling Lloyd Hudson Frye.
Copyright © 2007 by Lloyd Hudson Frye