Donna Gagnon
Bewildering Stories biography
to Bewildering Stories bibliography
Donna Gagnon spent years living in a northern Canadian tourist town but has recently moved to Guelph, Ontario. With her kids thankfully grown and happy elsewhere, she now focuses on writing short fiction, plays and prose poetry. Her first completed stage play, Deception, was produced for the 2005 Toronto Fringe Festival and appeared at the Factory Theatre.

Her short story “Walking Home” appears in Gatto Publishing’s StoriEs e-anthology, and her flash fiction has been published by SmokeLong Quarterly, SaucyVox Review, Smokebox, and Gold Dust Magazine.
A collection of interlinking prose poems, “Two Double Beds in a Comfort Hotel,” has been accepted for upcoming publication in a major new anthology of speculative fiction provisionally called New Writings in the Fantastic, edited by John Grant (aka Paul Barnett) and published by Pendragon Press. It will be launched in the UK at Fantasycon 2007 and in the U.S. a few weeks later at the World Fantasy Convention in Saratoga, New York.
In addition to moderating and editing for, Donna is an active participant in several other writing forums, including Café Doom and The Write Idea.
[— postscript —]
I’ve just had a quick scan through the authors list over at Bewildering Stories. Turns out I’ve got an acquaintance with quite a few of them.
Through BeWrite, I know Geoff Nelder, Robert Blevins, L. Roger Quilter, Sally Quilford and Carmen Ruggero. Geoff was my first editor at BeWrite (bless him!) and when I was over in England, I worked with him to record his novel Escaping Reality on CD for MP David Blunkett.I’m also a huge fan of Ian Duncan Smith’s work. Actually just got an e-mail from him this morning. I edited one of his stories last February at BeWrite.
Now I’m triply glad that I finally sent off a submission to your site!
[Donna has a website at]
Copyright © 2006 by Donna Gagnon