Michael E. Lloyd
Bewildering Stories biography
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Michael E. Lloyd lives near Cambridge, England. He is married with two grown daughters and a granddaughter. His wife is also female, as is their surviving cat. None of them drinks beer or enjoys going fishing, but a second grandchild is on the way, so there is still hope.
Mike holds an MA degree in Spanish and French Language and Literature from the University of Oxford. He worked for thirty years as a systems architect for an international computer manufacturer, but was delighted to escape into early retirement in 2002.
Mike captures the Creature
From the Black Lagoon (20 lbs!) |
More than anything else, Mike relishes his regular pike and tench fishing days out on the rivers and lakes of Cambridgeshire. He also enjoys reading, writing, proofreading, indexing, drawing, language tuition, making music, choral singing, bridge, chess, cooking, pondkeeping, red wine and the incomparable paintings of Renoir. He was until recently an occasional private pilot, but has probably now hung up his headset for the last time. There's more about all of this at his own web site.
In 2003 Mike wrote his first full-length novel, Observation One: Singing of promises ..., published by Bewildering Stories in Autumn 2004. It is founded on one of his greatest passions: the truth and integrity embodied in the life and work of the American writer, singer and musician, Janis Ian. In 2004, he went on to produce a definitive study and celebration of Janis' complete body of over 270 recorded songs.
Observation One: Singing of Promises was published in paperback by Bewildering Press in Summer 2007.
By popular demand, Mike completed the second novel in the series, Observation Two: Standing Divided, in 2006. It was serialised at Bewildering Stories from December 2006 to March 2007 and published in paperback by Bewildering Press in late 2008.
The final novel in the trilogy, Observation Three: Changing Hearts, was written in 2007-8, and began serialisation at Bewildering Stories in July 2008. It was published in paperback by Bewildering Press in Summer 2009.
Mike then changed literary horses and produced a very different sort of novel. Donna's Men, combining a celebration of Western literature and architecture with a study of childhood and the outsider, was written in 2009 and began serialisation at Bewildering Stories in June 2010. It was published as an e-book by Bewildering Press in 2012.
Mike then went back to the lakes as planned, aiming to catch an even bigger pike. But en attendant he realised he still had one more novel inside him: his proper celebration of France, the French, and the Sixties. Missing Emilie was written in 2011 and began serialisation at Bewildering Stories in April 2012.
With this very latest project finished, he returned to the lakes and the rivers again, still trying to capture that bigger pike, and he achieved his goal in May 2012. The glorious fish was a full three pounds heavier than his previous personal best (see above), but the photo wasn't quite as good, so the earlier one endures here. And Mike's still only halfway to the British pike record, so he hasn't finished yet ...
Copyright © 2004-2012 by Michael E. Lloyd