Harry L. Mora
Bewildering Stories biography
to Bewildering Stories bibliography

Harry’s writings lean towards the darker aspects of love and life, often brutally expressing feelings of loss and heartbreak. His work began primarily as a way to exorcise his own inner demons and see a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Finding the journey a long and difficult one, he decided to settle into the darkness.
He has found some interest in his writings, and established a following on the internet affectionately known as “Misery Inc.”
Harry is currently working on a full length novel along with an endless array of poems and short stories. You can find some of his works and prolific poetry at www.editred.com/shadowboy or www.writerscafe.org/writers/shadowboy/.
Correspondence is welcome at hmora@juno.com. You can befriend Harry at www.myspace.com/hmora76
Publishing credits:
Poem, “Of Sun and Shadow” Short Story, “That Empty Feeling” Short Story, “A Little Death” |
Short Story, “A Little Death” Short Story, “An Empty Place” Short Story, “The Turning” |
Copyright © 2007 by Harry L. Mora