Robert L. Sellers Jr
Bewildering Stories biography
to Bewildering Stories bibliography
Bob grew up in Superior, Wisconsin and currently resides in Kasson, Minnesota. Married with two daughters, he got back into writing as a hobby when he joined the on-line writers group offered by Kelley Armstrong.
A life long fan of the Minnesota Vikings football team, he is currently employed as a programmer analyst for the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Building his own website as allowed him to receive feedback from works in progress that he uses to improve his writing skills.
A long time fan of the supernatural, he has always enjoyed the dark tales of things that go bump in the night.
You can visit his website as well as Goblin’s Toe, Wyoming.
Bob Sellers in old-time hat
and new-time t-shirt.
“Posse” has been a story that has evolved from others with the same character and theme that will be sent in time. I wrote a piece for another contest that was themed “Weird, Wild, West” and once I developed a location and character set, I found myself so enchanted by the period that I will be doing a whole story line/set.
Current Stories in the set:
“Posse” is the lead in story, showing the path Marshal Poe sets out on while discovering the existence of vampires.
“Gentlemen's Club” tells the story of Poe discovering an organization that is place to monitor the paranormal individuals on the western frontier. He also becomes acquainted with an Indian by the name of Running-Deer who later will become his deputy.
“Dead Calm” shows the reception a new sheriff and his deputy will have as they arrive in Goblin's Toe.
“Widow Maker” introduces the old Charlemonte mansion which has a history of taking lives of those who've worked on it.
“Witchy Woman” tells the story of the arrival of a witch who must battle the demon that inhabits the old Charlemonte mansion.
“Dead Men Hanging” You discover that Sheriff Poe has to deal with another Posse in search of men who have been executed in methods they may not understand.
“Hide And Seek” shows interactions vampires can have with those who are not afraid of them and accept their nature.
In “Ghost Town” you see fear through the eyes of a vampire as she returns to find what was once a familiar town cloaked in mystery and death.
Fillers are being written between them for time frame continuation.
I affectionately refer to Goblin’s Toe, Wyoming as my own little Lake Wobegon (à la Garrison Keillor, only mine has vampires and other paranormals in its midst)
Bob Sellers is ready to ride the range.
I’m truly enjoying doing a story line in the Wild West, and the
research I’ve done has proven intriguing. In “Posse” the characters refer to an actual event, where a Sheriff (Plummer) and his deputies were strung up by vigilantes in Bannack City, Montana around 1864.
The description of the death of the “Greaser” (the term the historical perspective used) was entirely too strange for real life that I just couldn’t help but refer to it. And yes they did actually do everything that Sheriff Tombs refers to as having been done to the poor man before, during and after his death. Assuming he didn’t survive the hundred rounds he got after they hung him...
However, there is no historical evidence that he had a woman with him the night he was killed...
Although with the amount of hatred they appear to have expressed against the poor soul, I suspected there was a woman involved somewhere, and voilà, Medusa came to mind 8)

Bob Sellers is ready for takeoff.
Copyright © 2005 by Robert L. Sellers Jr