Tomi Shaw
Bewildering Stories biography
to Bewildering Stories bibliography
Tomi Shaw lives in Kentucky, late of the woods but now in the big city lights. She loves the sound of rain tat-tattering on a tin roof. Summer weekends finds her at the drag strip in a bittersweet-colored Mustang, cutting killer reaction times and putting guys on the trailer home.

My work has appeared in Absinthe Literary Review, Smokelong Quarterly, Flashquake, Snow Monkey, Clean Sheets, Penthouse, Literary Mama and elsewhere. Coming soon to Pindeldyboz, The Rose and Thorn, Outsider Ink, Thieves Jargon and The Dead Mule. I’ve guest edited for FFC’s All Story Extra and am currently an assistant editor with PrairieDog 13 magazine.
Favorite authors (a sampling): Isaac Asimov, Kurt Vonnegut, Chuck Palahniuk, Charles Bukowski, Emily Dickinson. I prefer reading literary short stories and flash fiction, SF novels and poetry (including song lyrics).
There isn’t a form I prefer writing over another. I indulge my passions and do it all. Now had you asked which form I’m least capable in: poetry. At heart, I’m a failed poet. *Grin
Copyright © 2005 by Tomi Shaw
[Tomi Shaw’s website is at:]