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Rising Heat

by Julie Brandon

I am a summer child
born as heat rose from sidewalks and roads
shimmered in the air, a mirage
scalded the feet of those foolish enough to run barefoot.

I am a summer child
too cold in winter, bundled in layers of sweaters
longing for bright sunlight
pale skin craving warmth and pinkness.

I am a summer child
born of late nights and star-filled skies
thunderstorms that left stickiness behind
clothes clung with dampness to our skin.

I am a summer child
of cool lakes and ocean breezes,
the smell of coconut on my skin,
flip-flops and sand that gets everywhere.

I am a summer child:
fire runs through my veins,
sunlight shines from my eyes,
heat warms me from within,
I am a summer child.

Copyright © 2024 by Julie Brandon

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