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Bewildering Stories

Challenge 1081

Drawing a Gun

  1. In Shauna Checkley’s Made to Order:

    1. Even if Kendyl’s charge of assault results in no legal action, what other effect might it have?
    2. Is the story completely unrealistic? Would even a mad-dog dictator be crazy enough to cripple operations by arbitrarily firing dependable workers?
  2. In Luke D. Evans’ The Spirit of Roshall: What do Cadovis and Angern achieve in their ultimate reconciliation?

  3. In Jeff Pepper’s Spaceship of Fools: The story depicts what is essentially a slave rebellion. What is the primary cause of it? What would happen if it didn’t succeed?

  4. In Richard Magahiz’ Hafez, the Atman Thief: The “atman” is a concept in Hindu theology referring to a kind of transcendental individuality. In what language is “Hafez” a common name? Does the poem have a cultural and political implication?

  5. In Leonard Henry Scott’s The Ice Cream Lady: What might be the most likely rational explanation of the nighttime visitor who brought the author vanilla ice cream? Why might the nature of the experience have been deliberately kept secret?

Responses welcome!

date Copyright © February 24, 2025 by Bewildering Stories
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