Eric Webb, Home To Fork:
Victory Gardens in the Valley Of Eden
excerpt from World War II Sacramento
178. Paul J.P. Sandul, “Both Country Town and Bustling Metropolis,” in River City and Valley Life, edited by Christopher J. Castaneda and Lee M.A. Simpson (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013), 164.
179. Todd Holmes, “Rivers of Gold, Valley of Conquest,” in Castaneda and Simpson, River City and Valley Life, 128.
180. Sandul, “Both Country Town,” 158.
181. Titus Fay Cronise, The Natural Wealth of California (San Francisco: H.H. Bancroft and Company, 1868), 309.
182. Joseph A. McGowan and Terry R. Willis, Sacramento: Heart of the Golden State (Woodland Hills: Windsor Publications, 1983), 10.
183. Sandul, “Both Country Town,” 163.
184. Ibid., 164.
185. Dylan O. Burge, “Botanical Diversity of the California Floristic Province,” Manzanita 21, no. 1 (2017): 1, 12-13.
186. Holmes, “Rivers of Gold,” 128.
187. Sandul, “Both Country Town,” 165.
188. “Co-operative Extension Work, 1942,” 10.
189. “Points Rationing of Processed Fruits and Vegetables,” Sally Zentner Papers, MC 49, Sacramento Room, Sacramento, California.
190. “99 Ways to Share the Meat,” Sally Zentner Family Papers, MC 49, Sacramento Room, Sacramento Public Library, Sacramento, California.
191. Michelle Obama, American Grown (New York: Crown Publishing, 2012), 29.
192. “Victory Gardens,” Sacramento Bee, March 5, 1942, 8.
193. “Gardens for Victory Will Be Club Topic,” Sacramento Bee, March 21, 1942, 9.
194. “Victory Garden Class will be Conducted Here,” Sacramento Bee, December 22, 1942, 16.
195. “Library Has Books on All Phases of the War Situation,” Sacramento Bee, March 21, 1942, 13.
196. “Clean Up and Plant Week is Proclaimed,” Sacramento Bee, April 8, 1942, 11.
197. “Co-operative Extension Work, 1942,” 21.
198. “Victory Garden Intentions Are Signed by 200,” Sacramento Bee, November 17, 1942, 16. 199. Ibid.
200. “310 War Industry Families Move into New Helvetia,” Sacramento Bee, August 27, 1942, A3.
201. “15,000 Victory Gardens Are Growing in Sacramento,” Sacramento Bee, February 17, 1943, 39.
202. “Five Lot Owners Offer Space for Victory Gardens,” Sacramento Bee, March 28, 1944, 3.
203. “Co-operative Extension Work, 1943,” 10.
204. “Victory Vegetable Gardens Command Wide Interest,” Sacramento Bee, April 8, 1942, 10.
205. “Victory Gardens Call for New Ideas about Vegetables,” Sacramento Bee, May 26, 1942, 3.
206. “The Nut Season Appears,” Sacramento Bee, November 10, 1942, 16.
207. “Nautical Denim,” Sacramento Bee, May 1, 1942, 5.
208. “Victory Garden Awards Are Made,” Sacramento Bee, June 12, 1942, 12.
209. “Stray Dogs Are to Be Thrown into Pound,” Sacramento Bee, May 26, 1944, 3.
210. Ibid.
211. “Co-operative Extension Work, 1942,” 5.
212. “Governor Makes First Entry in Victory Garden Festival,” Sacramento Bee, July 10, 1943, 17.
213. “Finishing Touches Are Put on Bee's Garden Festival,” Sacramento Bee, August 3, 1943, 1.
214. Ibid.
215. “Garden Festival Opens with Record Displays,” Sacramento Bee, August 3, 1944, 1.
216. Ibid.
217. “Victory Garden Film.” Sacramento History Online, accessed September 29, 2017, html.
218. “Victory Garden Motion Picture Will Be Previewed,” Sacramento Bee, November 15, 1944, 7.
219. Gardening for Victory, 16mm film, directed by Robert Handsaker, 1943, KFBK/Sacramento Bee, Center for Sacramento History, https://archive. org/details/casacsh_000021.
220. “Victory Garden Motion Picture Will Be Previewed,” Sacramento Bee, November 15, 1944, 7.
221. Stephen Andrew, The Japanese Army, 1931-45 (Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing, 2002), 6.
222. “Harvest Festival Presents Exhibits, Entertainment,” Sacramento Bee, August 4, 1945, 10.
223. Ibid.
224. “Hiram Johnson Dies of Stroke in Navy Hospital,” Sacramento Bee, August 6, 1945, 1.
225. “McClatchy Radio Group, Papers Get Garden Award,” Sacramento Bee, December 19, 1945, 4.
226. Ibid.
227. Membership records 1968-1970, California Native Plant Society, accessed September 16, 2016.
228. Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2002), 297.
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