Challenge 751
Shell Games
In Richard Stevenson’s “Tulpa,” what is a tulpa?
In Herb Kauderer’s “The Detective’s Ghost”:
- Can a ghostly detective apply for a search warrant? If not, can it be charged with “break and enter”?
- Can the real detective claim that she has received legal evidence from the ghost?
- Send us a story about a ghost who sets up shop as a private detective. Conditions: The ghost cannot be a poltergeist; i.e. it can’t move things around. And it must be able to communicate only with current and former clients.
In Roy Dorman’s “Duplicity in Dubuque”:
- Why does Brenda hire Rose to impersonate her at the high-school reunion? What does Brenda stand to gain? Does she ever give Rose an explanation?
- Larry’s confronting Rose indicates that Brenda was somehow notorious. Why would Brenda want to have anything to do with the reunion anyway, even vicariously?
- Rose makes impressively swift deductions from Larry’s accusation. Are they justified? What would happen if Rose simply dropped her “cover” and pled innocent?
- Why does Rose kill Brandon? Why does Rose kill Brenda? What less dangerous scheme(s) might Rose have devised?
In Walt Giersbach’s “The Machine Wore Makeup”:
- Harrison tells Stark that the police are investigating a murder. What is Soldana actually charged with?
- In light of the conclusion, does Stark’s comparing Soldana to a toaster oven seem disingenuous? Artificial intelligence aside, is Stark’s summation to the court accurate?
- What three laws does Stark recommend be adopted concerning androids like Soldana? How does Stark break one of his own proposed laws?
- How might Soldana have prevented the madman’s assassinating Harrison if she were operating under Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of robotics?
What is a Bewildering Stories Challenge?