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Bewildering Stories

Challenge 1083

Salvage Season

  1. In Krista Farmer’s Love and Peace of Mind:

    1. Why is the bird bath located in a bathhouse rather than outdoors? What do the murals depict? What might they lead humans to expect?
    2. Might the story have anything to do with Daylight Saving Time?
  2. In Jessica Knauss’s Where To?:

    1. How long has the narrator been a widow? What might the ghost in the bookstore actually represent in the life of the narrator?
    2. Is it likely the shopkeeper’s automobile would remain abandoned even on a side street in a rustic community? What might the car symbolize?
  3. In Charles C. Cole’s A Break from Solitary: How might Gardner’s relationship with Dee be more intimate than one he might have with a spouse?

  4. In Liu, Hongping’s Wintertime: Does the poem use the pathetic fallacy or personification or both?

  5. In Douglas Young’s Opening a New Window:

    1. How might the story be exempt from Bewildering Stories’ “grammatical puzzle” guideline and use “he” with no antecedent? Would a proper name have a narrative function?
    2. Is nature actually beautiful or does the solitary cubicle worker only think it is? Must one experience emotional deprivation of some kind in order to appreciate the beauty of nature? What kind of new job is he likely to seek? Does he seem to know?
  6. In Bill Bowler’s Daily Duties: The natural functions are depicted as having occasional minor difficulties. How might they affect a seriously disabled patient?

  7. In Tom Lagasse’s The All You Can Eat Buffet Is Closing: How might the world view of some readers cause them to take exception to the conclusion of the poem? What political conflicts might result?

Responses welcome!

date Copyright © March 10, 2025 by Bewildering Stories
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